Saturday, November 14, 2009

Logo Design: Complete

Having recently received notification that he passed the Washington State Bar, friend and current housemate Anthony is dutifully spending all of his time getting a practice off the ground. I was happy to offer my help in the form of logo development.

Here are the initial sketches:

And then two refined versions:

And the final logo:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another Threadless Submission

Yes, design submission numbero dos to I admit that after my first design scored just under 2 out of five, I had my spirit crushed just a bit. But since then I've read around Threadless and found that most folks take many submissions to get their scores up. Part of it takes some campaigning there on Threadless. Another part relies on other internet campaigning (including this post). Some of it relies on how you present the design -whether you Photoshop it onto a shirt, put it into a flash file, etc. Oh yes, then there is the part that relies on the design itself.

This design was submitted into the "Innovation" contest and depicts, well, check it out for yourself and while you're there, go ahead and vote and even leave a comment. Super extra bonus points and a free t-shirt if printed for anybody who reposts it anywhere.

Oh, and as a side note, I'm reading up and buying supplies for trying out some one-color screen printing at home. So this winter I hope to be making some of my own shirts. More on that to come...

Oh, here's the design. Take a look!

wireless - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nearly (Indirectly) Struck by Lightning

Halloween came and went. Carved some pumpkins, put on some costumes, hit the town, harrassed other costumed partygoers. The Halloween season always seems to be over before it even begins. Davis weather in October is much better suited to outdoor pumpkin carving and we missed our yearly courtyard ritual but we still tackled the task. In Seattle the thrift stores take Halloween and run. They not only pull out all of the funky vintage and/or odd second hand items, but they also stock all the cheap plastic crap and makeup and accessories necessary for a good capitalist holiday. Two Saturdays before Halloween one local Goodwill gave out cookies and cider and had games for the kids and drawings for the adults. Way to go, thrift stores.

The nighttime comes pretty early now without daylight savings. By the time I leave work at 4:30 the sky has begun its quick and steady slide into grey darkness. I arrive home around 5 to nearly complete nighttime. I don't mind, but I notice. With the early darkness and the grey days and blowing wind and rain, it's easy to slip into melancholy now and then but it's usually just as easy to slip back out.

Today makes 41 days without a cigarette. Constantly, dutifully, I chew the little white nicotine gum squares. I've got the jaw strength of a pit bull. Still I find it difficult to focus at times and I wonder if it's some sort of withdrawl-distraction issue or if I'm just slipping into adult-onset ADD.

Speaking of attention, I almost got myself hit by an SUV on my walk home the other day. The SUV was slowing to the stop sign while I passed in front when suddenly lightning lit up the twilight just above and both the SUV pilot and I were momentarily distracted. When my eyes came back down from the clouds I saw the SUV had rolled past the stop sign and was still moving steadily at my midsection. I reactively swung my canvas bag into the grill and the beast stopped. I suppose you don't require any sort of attention deficit disorder to be distracted by lightning. This morning on NPR a report about safe pedestrian cities cited Seattle as one of the safest in the US. Apparently Florida gets a lot more lighting than Seattle.

Halloween photos below:

His holiness St. Bernard preparing to perform the holy decantation

The Devil and St. Bernard. (Devil's horn stuck in a cab door)

Capitol Hill intersection buzzing with nightlife

Beth as Zombie Christmas Elf. CAAANES!

Matt got stopped by a lady cop

KISS cover band rocked and rolled all night and partied every day.